Page 1: Society Spotlight

Thank you for your interest in being featured in our social series 'Society Spotlight’, where we highlight student activity groups at King’s and opportunities they can provide to prospective students or King's offer holders.

By agreeing to be involved you accept this content may be used on any King's social media platforms including Instagram and TikTok, and also the website. 

If you are selected to be featured in this series, a member of the King's Social Media team will contact you with the next steps and a Student Content Creator will be assigned to the project. A Student Content Creator may visit you to film footage of your society in action. We appreciate your help in coordinating these visits. The Student Content Creator will then edit the video with a member of the King's Social Media team so it is ready to be uploaded to our channels. 

You and members of your society may be asked to sign a consent form to obtain your permission to be filmed. 

Please fill in this form to get started. 

Data Protection Statement

All data collected in this application form will be held securely and only accessed by relevant staff at King's College London. It will be used for the purposes of society spotlight planning, and in the analysis and production of anonymous statistics.

If you are successfully chosen to participate in the spotlight, your personal data will be stored securely for the duration of your studies at King's College London, and for up to 3 years after you graduate, and may be used to contact you about the society spotlight project.

If you are not chosen for the spotlight, the data provided in this form will be stored securely for 3 years, and King's College London may use it for the following:

  • to let you know about other events, activities and opportunities happening at King's.
  • to contact you after your graduation for the purposes of finding out your 'next steps' after university.

For more information about our privacy policy, please visit:

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