Expression of interest

Background: This survey is for people to express an interest in becoming a member of the MRC-NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership Statistical Analysis Working Group (SAWG).  We will use responses to create a mailing list and invite people to attend annual meetings. 

The remit of the SAWG can be found here: Statistical Analysis Working Group remit

SAWG Leads: Dr Tim Morris (University College London) and Prof Richard Emsley (King's College London). 

Aim of the SAWG: To improve methods for primary and secondary analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) through collaborative methodological research and dissemination. 

Objective of the SAWG: To facilitate collaboration among individuals working on similar topics relating to statistical analysis of randomised trials, with the aim of adding value to each other’s work, strengthening links between groups and identifying new areas for research.

The SAWG will support work on statistical analysis methods that could be written into a trial’s statistical analysis plan (rather general methods that might be applied to secondary trial data).

Membership: Members can include any individuals working on developing and applying methods for statistical analysis and those with an interest in using these methods; for example, trial statisticians with specific statistical problems who lack the time to work on them.

If you wish to join the group, please complete the details below. Note that your email address will then be added to the SAWG mailing list.

Please select if you are either of the following:
I am interested in the following topic areas:
Would you be interested in subscribnig to the TMRP monthly newletter?

If you submit your answers you will not be able to return to this page.